The action comedy movie Hidden Strike starring Jackie Chan and John Cena may finally be released after being stuck in post-production purgatory. The film was initially titled “Snafu” and green-lit after seeing the popularity and success of Chan-led action movies in China, such as Skiptrace, which earned $131 million in 2016, and Kung Fu Yoga, which earned $256 million in 2017.
Hidden Strike finished shooting in 2018 but was never released due to many different internal and external variables. The COVID-19 pandemic was the initial reason for the film's delayed release. However, after theaters in China started to reopen, there was an increase in demand for more local Chinese-language blockbusters like Hi, Mom, The Battle at Lake Changjin, and Moon Man. In addition to the changing market, during the press tour for F9 in 2021, Cena accidentally recognized Taiwan as an independent country from China, which may have contributed to a further delay for Hidden Strike.
Finally, after all those delays, XYZ Films released a Hidden Strike trailer. The trailer, which is 2 minutes and 20 seconds long, can be watched below. Set in the future during the cusp of an oil war, whatever that means, Cena and Chan must find a way to stop it. The Hidden Strike trailer gives audiences a glimpse at the dynamic between the hotheaded character played by Cena and the calm and cool Chan.
Hidden Strike, which is directed by Scott Waugh, known for Expendables 4 and Need for Speed, looks like it will be ridiculous and fun. After sitting idle for 5 years in post-production, some people are excited that the film will finally come out. Others may have lost interest. Hidden Strike had to deal with a lot of challenges and overcome a lot of setbacks. However, it may still be too much.
There is still no Hidden Strike release date. There is also no mention of where the film will release. It may be in theaters or may find itself on a streaming platform of some kind. This could be because the market for this film has changed drastically since it was initially shot; they may want to wait for reactions to the Hidden Strike trailer before moving forward with a distribution plan. There may not even be a market for this movie anymore, in North America or overseas. It will be interesting to see how successful Hidden Strike is when it is finally released.
Source: XYZ Films